Written By: Marilynn Mendell
The Double Edged Sword of Marketing Expectations
Metal Architecture
September 2015
The Value of Story Telling
Metal Architecture
January 2015
On The Topic of Surveys
Zweig White Letter
November 12, 2014
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter
"Blind spots"
June 2014
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter
"Smile You’re on Camera"
April 2014
Metal Architecture,
"Relationship Networking 101"
April 2014
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"Strategic Planning Step One"
March 2014
Multi-Housing News Guest Blog,
"Business Development 101" Part 4
November 2012
Multi-Housing News Guest Blog,
"Business Development 101" Part 3
November 2012
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"Embrace Creative Intelligence"
October 2012
Multi-Housing News Guest Blog,
"Business Development 101" Part 2
September 2012
Multi-Housing News Guest Blog
"Business Development 101" Part 1
August 2012
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"What I Learned From Teaching BD"
June 2012
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"Technology Campaign" with Noel Carson
March 2012
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"On Doing Good"
January, 2012
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
Business Etiquette: The Silent Path to Marketing and BD Success"
October 2010
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
How to Stay Ahead in a Down Market"
June 2010
Principal’s Report,
"On Issues of Ethics"
May 2010
Glass Magazine,
"Capital Curtain Wall: Columbia Center Glazing Changes the Face of Washington D.C."
October 2008 – Cover Story
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"Transition to Management"
July 7 2008
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"How Small Firms Can Market Like Big Ones"
May 19, 2008
A/E Rainmaker,
"A Star-Gazing, 3D Branding Campaign Delights Clients"
April, 2008
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter,
"Guest Speaker: Building Effective Safety Nets"
January 7, 2008
"Branding the Small Firm: Part 2"
December 2007
"Branding for the Small Firm: Part I"
November 2007
The Zweig A/E Marketing Letter
"The Chickenman Approach to Marketing"
Spring 2006
AIA/DC News,
"The Marketing Lunch"
January 2005
AIA/DC News,
"Thank You: The Why and How"
December 2004
Business First, Buffalo, NY
"Thank-You is in the Dictionary - Is it in Your Vocabulary?"
February 11, 1991
Business First, Buffalo, NY
"Don't Throw Away Manners When You Throw a Party"
July 29 1991
Business First, Buffalo, NY
"No Teeth Picking and Other Formal Dinner Rules"
A case for evergreen, not the color, the term EVERGREEN in the writing world means something that never goes out of style. As new generations appear in the work force certain ways of doing business or of social interaction remain constant. In today’s litigious and politically correct world it becomes increasingly more difficult to directly instruct on social decorum.
Ultimately most evergreen articles reside with the ‘how to realm.’ It helps if they come with examples, wit, and relativity to current events. Statistical evidence to support assertions often help convince the hardened pessimist. Recommended reading: anything by Letitia Baldrige.

Marilynn Mendell - Akron Art Museum
Marilynn Mendell on Public Speaking "What Not to Do"
*Turn your volume down*
Marilynn Mendell on Public Speaking - "What you should do"
Relationship Networking 101 By: Marilynn Mendell
Written About Marilynn Mendell
Today most people can Google and find all of the articles that have ever been written about anyone. Certainly, there have been many more articles written about Mendell. The purpose of putting these few up here on the WinSpin CIC, Inc. web site is to show how they created new opportunities and why allowing yourself to be the subject of an article impacts your business.
The smallest and least significant article shown here is from a local college paper. That one article got Mendell a 15 minute spot on ABC TV’s Good Morning America. The TV crew came to Buffalo to shoot the show and it all happened because the producer Bill Cunningham of ABC went to Canisius College and read about the story in their newspaper. The article about ArtPark trying to become a safe haven for migrating birds got the then governor of New York George Pataki’s attention which in turn helped pave the way to the State of New York granting permission for Art Park to become the first state park to become a National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat set aside. These two articles made national news. And each one began as a very small story.